Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di RSUD. DR. RM DJOELHAM Kota Binjai Tahun 2019
Diabetes Melitus (DM), also known as diabetes or blood sugar disease, is a group of chronic diseases characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels, as a result of disturbances in the body's metabolic system, where the pancreas is unable to produce insulin according to the body's needs. The number of people with Diabetes Mellitus in the world in 2000 including Indonesia recorded 175.4 million people, and it is estimated that in 2010 it will be 279.3 million people, in 2020 to 300 million people and in 2030 to 366 million people (Ministry of Health, 2008). The purpose of this study was to describe the picture of the quality of life of type 2 diabetes mellitus in RSUD.Dr.RM.Djoelham Kota Binjai in 2019. The researcher used a total sampling technique in this study, which was all Diabetes Mellitus patients in Dr. RSUD. Djoelham RM in February 2019 totaling 24 people. The results of the study according to the characteristics of the respondents were in the age group 38-40 years as many as 8 people (33.3%), male sex as many as 13 people (54.2%), with an elementary education level of 9 people (37.5 %). The picture of the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in terms of the majority of Physical Health is disrupted as many as 13 people (54.2%), the psychological health of the majority is disturbed as many as 15 people (62.5% 6), and the majority of social relations are disrupted as many as 16 (66.6%). Keywords: Quality, Life, Diabetes, Mellitus